What are grants?
- A grant is gift aid and does not have to be repaid.
- Grants are awarded based on financial need, enrollment status, expected family contribution, and cost of attendance.
- Recipients must maintain certain eligibility requirements.
- Penn State undergraduate students who complete the FAFSA are automatically considered for the grants listed on the menu. No separate applications are required.
- To view steps on how to complete the FAFSA, click here!
Federal Pell Grant Program
- Federally funded student gift aid that does not need to be repaid.
- Awarded to undergraduate students who have high financial need and are working on their first bachelor's degree.
- Awarded based on expected family contribution and the number of credits you have scheduled.
- May be awarded to students who are less than half-time (six credits).
- Once students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), they are automatically considered for the grant.
- To view steps on how to complete the FAFSA, click here!
- Recipients must meet federal financial aid eligibility requirements.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
- Federally-funded gift aid awarded by Penn State to undergraduate students with exceptional financial need who are working on their first bachelor's degree.
- Recipients must be enrolled for at least half-time (6 credits).
- Once students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), they are automatically considered for the grant.
- To view steps on how to complete the FAFSA, click here!
- Recipients must meet federal financial aid eligibility requirements.
Penn State Tuition Assistance Grant (PSTAG)
- University-funded gift aid awarded to undergraduate students with high financial need who are working on their first bachelor's degree.
- The student must be enrolled full-time (12 credits) in a degree program and must have a GPA of at least 2.0.
- Once students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), they are automatically considered for the grant.
- To view steps on how to complete the FAFSA, click here!
- Recipients must meet federal financial aid eligibility requirements.
Pennsylvania State Resident Grant
- State-funded gift aid awarded by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) to undergraduate Pennsylvania residents who demonstrate high financial need.
- Awarded based on financial need and enrollment status: full-time (12 or more credits) or half-time (6 credits) for a maximum of 8 semesters to students enrolled in a four-year program and a maximum of 4 semesters to students enrolled in a two-year program.
Note: If students choose to apply for a Summer PHEAA State Grant, it will be counted towards the maximum semesters of eligibility. - If PHEAA receives a student's FAFSA information by May 1, they are automatically considered for the grant.
- Recipients must meet student aid eligibility requirements.
- PHEAA Grant regulations state that, for an approved program of study, at least 50% of the coursework for the minimum program length must be taken through classroom instruction in order to remain eligible for PHEAA Grant consideration. This does not include online or independent learning courses.
Non-Pennsylvania Resident Grant
Non-Pennsylvania residents from certain states may receive state grants from their respective states. Please access our list of state grants for out-of-state students.
Center for Academic and Career Excellence (ACE) Grant
There are a limited number of Center for Academic and Career Excellence (ACE) grants available to ACE participants based on Pell Grant eligibility, financial need, and student having a "fillable financial gap" meaning that the outstanding student account balance is equal to or less than the requested grant amount. Per Trio SSS grant regulations priority consideration is given to first-year and second-year students. If you are awarded an ACE grant it is NOT automatically renewable, you will need to reapply each semester and a determination will be made at that time. You will be notified via email about the grant decision.
Please note you must receive the Pell grant in order to be considered for an ACE grant and must complete Handling Your Financial Business, Handling Your Academic Business, and The Cost of Missing Class modules before your application will be reviewed. (Note: These modules become available once joining the ACE Canvas Page.)